Is Modern yoga and meditation a Paradise or Tragedy Skip to main content

Is Modern yoga and meditation a Paradise or Tragedy

  What is  yoga?        

                Yoga means union of Mind, BodyIntellect and Emotions The name yoga is a derived from ancient sanskrit language. Yoga was mentioned in the oldest scripts of vedas, which is actively practiced in  Bharata(India).  Yoga was first practiced in ancient India, the father of Yoga is saint Patanjali. He gave Yoga sutras to this world. It was widely practiced by the people in the east, later yoga gurus take yoga to the western countries. Revolution and awareness happened after the successful speech of Swami Vivekananda in the "Parliament of World's religion" held in Chicago, America on September 1893, it gives clear picture about spirituality in the west.

Swami Vivekananda, mediation, yoga
Swami Vivekananda 

Speech of Swami Vivekananda in Chicago

How People understood Spirituality?     

          Before this, the western people understood yoga means postures(Asanas), physical fitness or for flexibility and strength. However Yoga for the people in India is quite more than their life, they see it as spiritual core of their life, whatever they want to do in their profession they do, they got married have children but their ultimate aim is to attain Mukthi- which means their is no birth after this life. People in this country strongly stand in this principle.

Difference between Yoga and Meditation?

           When you are doing some physical activity like yoga asanas or some simple exercises consciously with eyes opened then our body temperature naturally increases. The same process when you do consciously with your eyes closed, the temperature of the body gets lower. When your eyes opened and doing some physical practice is called yoga on the other hand you practiced with your eyes closed then it is called as meditation, the linking factor here is complete awareness of what your doing either physically or mentally.  

In one’s experience there is only oneself and the rest of the world, there are five senses in our body which we are using to experience the whole world. They are Eyes(which enables to explore the beautiful world), Nose(enables to sense the fragrance), Tongue(The Six Tastes of Food: Sweet, Sour, Salty, Bitter, Pungent, Astringent), Ears(Enables you to hear beautiful and pleasant sounds) and sense of Touch. Once you minimize the degree of usage of the above mentioned five senses then only you experience the real version of life from different dimension and life supports you in all possible ways new doors opens for you.

Can you teach yoga by yourself?

              Is it fair practice that i learn or teach yoga or meditation by myself with the help of a book, an audio or social media videos, certainly the answer is yes!, you do simple baby yoga steps, but the real fact here is, yoga means a lot, you have the alignment and complete flow with the breathe, once again i tell you Yoga means union, If you are doing yoga then all you need is your complete attention over the movements of our body, breathe, consciousness with eyes closed state, all these factors are aligned together we called it as yoga or Connection or Cosmic Alignment.


Obviously you need a good physical instructor(highly recommended) to learn yoga or meditation in this modern age which is eagerly looking to learn by the people around the globe, don't choose any online instructor incase you are a beginner. Remember our body is the most sophisticated machine on this planet whereas yoga is the best tool to handle it wisely with the help of a master in beginning stage, all it takes a month or two, you need constant practice over a period of time to master it. Once you master the yogic skills now you can clarify all your doubts via phone calls or online this is a fair practice, also very safe.

----"Be Blessed By the Divine"


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